• Dashboard
  • 24 May 2024

Masindi Programs Dashboard

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Parish Development Model

Under the parish development model, the Ugandan government has recently set up structures and frameworks for planning, budgeting and delivery of public services. People at the parish level are to decide development priorities under the policies formulated at the national level.

The assumption is that by getting citizens at the lowest administrative levels to identify and assign resources for their own social needs, development can tilt in favour of the poor. The overall aim, according to the plan, is to deepen the decentralisation process, improve household incomes, and increase accountability at local levels.

The loans were disbursed and the beneficiaries are allowed to use the money for two years to better their lives. After this period they are to start paying back at a 6% interest rate per year for two years and it can be paid as 46,667/= per month which makes 560,004/= every year if one decided to pay monthly

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Main activities funded by the Parish Development Model, 2023

The activities represented in this chart are the main activities being funded by the Parish Development Model which include beans, maize and piggery products. The others category includes activities like Banana Product, Beef Cattle Products, Coffee Product, Diary Cattle Products, Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Product, Goats, Irish Potatoes Product, Onions Product, Poultry Products.

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Loan amount received per role in the different enterprises, 2023

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Loan amount received per pillar

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Number of persons with disabilities that received PDM money

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